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Z-Tech Enterprises, Inc. is an independent company, established to develop and implement training programs which meet continuous improvement needs of industry and adult learners.
Z-Tech increases computer use and awareness with corporate employees in a non-threatening learning environment.
Our education professionals dedicate themselves to teaching with a vast amount of experience in the private and public sector.
Curricula are designed to accommodate the unique needs of the client and training is cost-effective.
Z-Tech Enterprises' single goal is to help maximize your most valuable resource - your employees. By concentrating our efforts on helping your employees develop and refine their computer skills, we can help you achieve maximum productivity and, thus, profitability!
Since 1995, Z-Tech Enterprises, Inc. has trained over 25,000 people and delivered over 100,000 hours of instruction.
Current clients include organizations in the steel, health, hospitality, manufacturing, and service industry.